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On the occasion of the International Woman's Day, the European Alliance in defence of Palestinian Detainees visits the family of prisoner Nesreen Abu Kmail to talk to her husband and children who live devastating conditions due to the absence of their mother.
The children spoke with much pain about how important it is to have their mother around. They miss her so much and condemn the Israeli Occupation which deprived them from her love and care.
Mr Hani Musabeh, Head of the European Alliance coordinating committee in the Gaza Strip, assured that the Palestinian legitimate struggle on the basis of International law is continuing to defend the male and female prisoners in the Israeli prisons until they get their freedom. Those prisoners, he said, are war prisoners and not criminals as they are represented to the world by the Israeli occupation.
The visiting delegation informed the family of greetings from the European Alliance in defence of Palestinian Detainees, headed by Dr Khaled Al Hamed.

